Kijidamenuri ・木地溜め塗りand halftransparent lacquer ・半透明な漆
When the wood grain should remain sensible, it is polished with Fukiurushi once after the Medome no Katame and then lacquered with Kijiro.
Should the wood grain be visible, but the surface completely smooth, Nashiji and Kijiro are used after theMedome no Katame. Nashiji and Kijiro are halftransparent lacquers and applied in several layers.
(see the chopsticks)
Mehajikinuri ・目はじき塗りand non-transparent lacquers ・不透明な漆
When the wood should be covered completely, the wood is grounded before colouring.
Nakanuri ・ 中塗り
An inter layer of black lacquer, lacquer with soot called Roiro, is applied.
Nakanuri no Togi ・ 中塗りの研ぎ
After lacquering and drying follows the sanding. The sanding is done wet with water.
Uwanuri ・ 上塗り
Coloured lacquer is used now. For example red, lacquer with vermilion or ferrous oxide. When the wood is lacquered, it is dried and sanded wet. This prodecure is repeated about three times. If the workshop is absolutely free of dust, there is no need for sanding.
Finally the process of Fukiurushi and Tsuyaage, the last polishing, will start as described in Other techniques > Completion.